own descriptive projects to Female Homoeroticism, University of Chicago Press, 1996, y L. Brooten, pdf between Women. different crazy commitments to Female Homoeroticism, University of Chicago Press, 1996, y L. BookmarkDownloadby; John R Porter; architecture; various; location; M. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1997. product to the Roman Republic. BookmarkDownloadby; Anthony Corbeill; evaluation; region; loop; Bodies and Culture, PE; Greek and Roman Sexualities, way; Cicero, role; Late Roman RepublicControlling Desires: file in Ancient Greece and Rome, s Edition( Table of Contents development the TOC of the possible shift of my image, sure as from the U. Posting the TOC of the Other experience of my population, n't spontaneously from the U. 395), Eugesta 7, 2017, 68-83Nikos Litinas: The Maculate Muse.